采用k-ε湍流模型和漩涡耗散概念模型(EDC)建立了泄爆管泄放气体爆炸的模型,并模拟容器内置障碍物时泄爆管泄放气体爆炸火焰的传播过程,分析了障碍物形状、阻塞率、位置、个数对超压(pred)和压力上升速率的影响。结果表明: 障碍物的出现导致燃烧速度和pred上升,正方形障碍物导致的爆炸后果最严重; 增加障碍物个数或增大障碍物阻塞率均可增加超压和燃烧速度; 障碍物置于容器中心,爆炸后果较强,而靠近点火源或泄爆口,后果有所减弱。
This paper would like to present our numerical simulation model of the effect of the obstacle on the ducted venting of gas explosion, which is likely to aggravate the explosion severity, based on k-ε turbulence model and Eddy-Dissipation-Concept (EDC) model. The simulation results indicate that the two models can be used to analyze the ducted venting and the pressure increase due to the burnt-up in the duct. The so-called obstacles mentioned here can divide the vessel into two parts with the explosion taking place in one of the two parts affecting the other half via the space between the obstacle and the vessel wall. However, the venting may also take place in the similar way to the ducted one because of its axial length, which helps to intensify the explosion severity in the vessel. In addition, since the turbulent vortex would like to come about with the unburnt gas passing the obstacle and in turn enhancing the flame velocity and explosion pressure. In that case, the explosion consequence aggravated in the vessel by the built-in obstacle may result in more severe explosions in the duct and finally cause stronger overpressure in the vessel. Here we have simultaneously summarized the comprehensive effects of the obstacle forms (such as in plate, square and circular forms), the blocking ratio, position and the obstacle intensity on the maximum reduced pressure and the pressure rise rate in our simulation. And, finally, the square obstacle, whose axial length is longer, is likely to lead to the worst situation, for both the obstacle induced turbulence and the induced venting effect prove to be most powerful whereas the circular obstacle just leads to weaker consequences for its own smooth shape. If so, the sharp-edged obstacles, such as the plate and square ones, may lead to high turbulence intensity while the axial ones intensify the explosion, enhance the flame velocity as well as aggravate the explosion severity due to the induced duct venting effect and turbulence in the vessel. Thus, the shortening o