Xin-Han Huang graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Tech- nology (HUST), Wuhan, PRC in 1969. He worked at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, as a visiting scholar from 1985 to 1986 and the Systems Engineering Division of Wales University, Cardiff, UK, as a se- nior visiting scholar in 1996. He is currently a professor and head of the Intelligence and Control Engineering Division of HUST. He is a senior member of the Chinese Automation Society and chairman of the Intelli- gent Robot Specialty Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI). His research interests include robotics, sensing techniques, data fusion, and intelligent control. E-marl: (Corresponding author) Xiang-Jin Zeng received his B. Eng. degree in 2000 and M. Eng. degree in 2006, both from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, PRC. Since 2006, he has been a Ph.D. candidate of HUST, majoring in control science and engineering. His research interests include microscope visual servoing, image procession, robotics, and embedded system.E-mail: Min Wang received B. Eng. and M. Eng. degrees from Huazhong University of Sci- ence and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, PRC in 1982 and 1989, respectively. She is currently a professor of the Department of Control Science and Engineering of HUST. She is a secretary-general of the Intelligent Robots Specialty Committee of the Chi- nese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI). Her research interests include robotics, sensing techniques neural networks and their applications. E-malh