采用平板升华技术从厦门博坦油码头表层海水样品中筛选获得一株高效降解多环芳烃(PAils)的菌,经16SrDNA分子鉴定,该菌株归属鞘氨醇单胞菌属,定名为Sphingomonas sp.strainH。StrainH在24h内对初始浓度为50mg/L的多环芳烃菲的降解率可达94%。以strainH为模式菌株,对其在降解过程中菌体全蛋白的提取进行了优化,以获得高质量的降解全程各个阶段具有代表性的菌体蛋白样品。结果表明,超声.三氯乙酸(TCA)/丙酮沉淀的方法可有效去除中间代谢产物的干扰,获得纯度较高的蛋白样品。对以此方法提取的蛋白样品,通过双向电泳技术比较了strainH在有和没有菲诱导条件下的蛋白质表达差异,获得17个差异蛋白点。这些差异蛋白点的获得将为进一步分析参与PAHs降解的关键酶系和探索菲的代谢途径奠定实验基础。
Sphingomonas sp. strain H, a microbe for degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), was isolated from the surface water of the Botan oil port in Xiamen, China. It can degrddate 94% of the phenanthrene, a PAH with the initial concentration of 50mg/L in 24 hours. The methods for extraction of the total proteins of Sphingomonas sp. strain H produced in the degradation process was optimized. Two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis of phenanthrene- induced proteins from culturing cells of Sphingomonas sp. strain H showed that the proteins were increasing in cells after exposed to phenanthrene. Comparison of proteins profiles from phenanthrene-induced and -uninduced cultures on 2D gels indicated that at least fifteen major proteins were expressed and two were enhanced at least. These results provide the evi- dence that phenanthrene induces the synthesis of specific proteins in Sphingomonas sp. strain H. The present work yield- ed the important information that would be useful in analyzing PAHs degradation pathways and improving environmental clean-up strategies.