Different leading edge shock on hypersonic curved ramp two-dimensional inlet directly influ- ences the inlet performance, specially, the flow coefficient. A detailed analysis and investigation was per- formed on the variation characteristics of leading edge shock generated by two different inlets response to the variation of inlet attack angle and inflow Mach number. The calculation results reveal that for wedge-isen- tropic two-dimensional inlet, the angle between the leading edge shock and compression surfaces decreases in advance, then increases with increase of the inlet attack angle. However, the angle always decreases with the increase of the free stream Mach number, whereas, for two-dimensional hypersonic curved shock com- pression inlet with the law of constant pressure gradient, the angle between the leading edge shock and com- pression surfaces decreases with increase of both the attack angle and the free stream Mach number. Ac- cording to theory and calculation analysis, different oblique shock and Mach wave interaction mode causes different characters of leading edge shock generated by two different inlets response to the variation of inlet attack angle and inflow Mach number.