A basic flowfield with center body consisting of four spline curves diffusing reflected shock wave was designed to meet the operation requirement of the hypersonic in- ward turning inlet in a wide Mach number range. The compression efficiency increased obvi ously when the incoming flow Mach number was higher than that of the design point (6.0), and the exit total pressure recovery coefficient increased by 2.3% compared with the basic flowfield with concave arc center body at cruise point (incoming flow Mach number of 7.0). Besides, the inward turning inlets with circular shape intake were designed based on these two categories of basic flowfield. The numerical simulation results from the incoming flow Mach number of 5.0-8.0 indicate that the four spline curves inlet has higher compression efficiency when the incoming flow Mach number is higher than that of the design point. The pressure ratio is approximately equal while the throat exit total pressure recovery coefficient of four spline curves inlet increases by 1.1% when the incoming flow Mach number of 8.0 under viscous condition.