The tissue localization and a series of development processes,such as appearance,migration,and quantity change in chicken spleen was immunohistochemically conducted by using the IgM,IgG and IgA monoclonal antibodies.The findings showed that IgM^+ and IgA^+ cells first appeared in caecal tonsil at embryonic day 15,IgG^+ cells at embryonic day 18,and plasma cells in red pulp and germinal center at 21-day-old.For each age,IgM^+,IgG^+ and IgA^+ cells were mainly distributed in characteristic structure,such as periellipsoid lymphatic sheath (PELS) and germinal center,gradually matured with increase of B lymphocytes.B lymphocytes kept increasing with the increase of age,and stable by 21-day-old,the number of IgG^+ cells were most,IgM^+ cells were less,and IgA^+ cells were least all the time.The results reveal that the humoral immune function of spleen in chicken strengthen gradually after hatching,and reaches the mature level at 21 day-old.