氧化应激是由于机体活性氧在体内增多并引起细胞氧化损伤的病理过程.胰腺β细胞是氧化应激的重要靶点.Daintain是我们鉴定的巨噬细胞炎症因子,我们前期的研究显示daintain参与了1型糖尿病的发生发展,并可损伤胰腺β细胞.为了进一步研究daintain影响胰腺β细胞的机制,本研究测定了daintain对昆明鼠氧自由基产生和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)的影响.结果显示daintain促进了氧化应激的产生,提示daintain通过激发氧化应激影响胰腺β细胞.
Oxidative stress is any of various pathologic changes seen in living organisms in response to excessive levels of cytotoxic oxidants and free radicals in the environment.Pancreatic beta cell is the major target of oxidative stress.Daintain is a macrophage inflammatory factor characterized by us.In a previous study,we demonstrate daintain is involved in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes and impairs pancreatic β cells.To investigate the regulatory mechanism of daintain on pancreatic β cells,we detect the regulation of daintain on reactive oxidative species and the activity of SOD enzyme.The results indicate daintain enhances reactive oxidative species and impairs the activity of SOD enzyme,suggesting daintain regulates pancreatic beta cell by invoking oxidative stress.