Assuming that there is an inverted U-shaped relation between income disparity and economic growth as well as between income disparity and urbanization rate, we empirically test their relationship with the level and square of PGDP and urbanization rate as explanatory variables for income disparity. We find out that there is a long-term co-integration relation among the three. Economic growth always enlarges the income disparity with the deteriorating effect rising with time. Though the marginal effect of urbanization is ambiguous in the beginning, it turns out to be negative in the end, indicating that urbanization reduces income disparity. Purely pursuing economic growth enlarges income disparity. While, maintaining certain economic growth rate to provide work opportunities for newly increased labor force, we must accelerate the urbanization process so that the narrowing effect of urbanization will neutralize the enlarging effect of economic growth on income disparity and lead to urban-rural integration and harmonious social development.