In automated planning under uncertainty, extended goals are often expressed as tem poral logic formulas, particularly as CTL(computation tree logic) formulas and EAGLE formulas. Though it is said that the capability of representing the "intentional" aspects of goals and the possibility of dealing with failure are the main new features of EAGLE with respect to CTL, there is not enough work devoted to formal comparison of semantics of these two languages. According to the formal semantics of EAGEE and CTL goals on Kripke structures (i. e. , execution structures induced by plans from initial states), it is proven that many EAGLE goals including some having been deemed to be unexpressive in CTL(e. g. , some EAGLE goals in which TryReach operator and Fail operator appear) can be expressed in CTL in fact, and an analysis of the characters of these two languages in expressing extended goals and guiding the search for plans that satisfy them is given.