Soil bridge isone of thecommon erosional landforms in Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley. It is alsoan importantreasoncausinglocalwaterand soilloss,studyingthemorphologicalcharacteristics and evolution process of soil bridgewouldhave important practical significanceforbetterunderstandingof the evolution of regional landforms andmanagement of localeco-geological environment.From 2009 to 2013the authors made field investigationsonthe morphological characteristics,microtopography of the soil bridge, the soil bridge position, and the shape of the longitudinal profile of the gully. And thepropertiesof soil layerswere analyzed. The resultsshowed: 1) Soil bridge mainly developedatthe bottomin upper and middle reachesof the gully,less at the bottom of cliffat the edge of gully. Somesoil bridgesoccurred continuously and some lonely. 2) Therewas differenceamongsoil layers ofthebridge,the resistance of thesoil layer of bridge holeagainstdisintegration and erosionwas weakerthanthat ofthe top layer ofthebridge. 3) Therewas some influence of structure joints and gully slope on the formation of soil bridge. 4) The shape and structure of soil bridgeweresimilar to those ofthe naturalbridge or the artificial bridge. The scaleof soil bridge was generally little. Theshapeofthebridge hole was mainlysimilarto triangle andsometimes to arc. The top of the hole mainly developed along the vertical joint and collapsewasmorefrequentlyobserved. The influencing factors of thesoil bridgedevelopmentweremainly the climate environment, the tectonic setting, the formation joint and the slope of gully, etc. 5) Theevolution processof soil bridgefollowed the general law of thing development, whichcould bedivided into four stages:germination stage, young stage, mature stage and withered stage. 6) Therewascertaincoupling relationship between soil bridge and sink hole and gully in Yuanmou.