选取三峡库区重庆段的万州、开县、云阳、奉节和巫山5个渝东北的区县为研究目标,以重庆统计年鉴发布的数据为基础,选取了3个具有代表性的输入指标和两个输出指标,运用目前测量效率比较公认的方法——数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis)为测量方法,综合评判了库区5个区县的经济发展效率,并给出相关建议.
Focusing on Wanzhou, Kai County, Yunyang, Fengjie and Wushan in northeastern Chongqing, based on the data issued by the statistical yearbook of Chongqing, this paper selects 3 representative input indexes and 2 output indexes to evaluate the economic development efficiency of the 5 counties by data envelopment, a popular approach of measuring efficiency, and gives related suggestion.