The role of internal absorption of radiation heat in evaporation mass transfer and the mechanism of internal radia- tion heat transfer is one of the challenging probleras in the field. Water droplets internal circulation, thermophysieal proper- ties varied with temperature, Stefan flow and other factors are considered. The internal heat source power in water droplets is calculated by using two radiation absorption models. The radiation characteristics of the thermal radiation absorbed power of the translucent water in a high temperature environment are studied and the transient temperature distribution is investigated. The results indicate that translucent water droplets have intense heat radiation selective absorption in high temperature flue gas and that absorption distribution model aecurately shows the energy distribution characteristics in water droplet. The dif- ference of the forecast results of droplet lifetime between the two radiation models is less than 2% and no consideration of ra- diation will bring about 10% of difference for droplet life expectancy.