The new Civil Procedure Law stipulates supervision powers about civil enforcement of the procuratorial agency, providing legal basis for prosecution agency to do the civil execution supervi- sion. Nevertheless, the new Law only sets the principle provisions of procuratorial supervision of civ- il execution, not refines the operational details, which has caused a series of problems in practice since it is implemented, such as the lack of entry point on prosecution agency' s supervision work and procedure norm, some conflicts and divergences between judicial agency and procuratorial agen- cy, etc. Therefore, the Civil Procedure Law should be revised again. The provisions for the prosec- utorial supervision of civil execution initiation, scope and way need to be refined, in order to en- hance the applicability of the procedure specification. And also the Organic Law of the People' s Procuratorates should be revised. The procuratorial organs functions need to be expanded and the procedure of function-executing need to be confirmed, in order to optimize the configuration of re- sources. Through collaborative amendment to these two sets of laws, the legislation of civil inspec- tion would be structured. Furthermore, the cooperation mechanism of civil execution supervision and prosecution-supervision between judicial agency and procuratorial agency is supposed to be estab- lished, so as to promote the standardization of the prosecution-supervision of civil execution.