在地面实验中,使用粒子图像测速测温(Particle Image Veloeimetry and Thermometry,PIVT)技术测量了单滴热毛细迁移时液滴周围同时刻的速度场和温度场。选用密度相近的豆油和硅油作为实验系统的母液和液滴。实验结果表明单滴周围的温度场扰动不同于线性理论预测的随到液滴距离的平方成反比,而是距离一次方成反比,这是由于重力引起的浮力效应造成的,地面实验中重力作用不能忽略。
Temperature and velocity field at the same instant due to the motion of single drop under an applied temperature gradient were studied with particle image velocimetry and thermometry (PIVT) on earth. Pure soybean oil and silicon oil were used as continuous medium and as experimental medium in drop. The results showed that the temperature disturbance around the drop decreased with the distance from the drop, which did not accord with the theoretical prediction. The effect of the gravity was considered as the reason, which should not be ignored on earth.