Combining with the advantages of traditional charcoal baked and modern temperature conl technolo- gy, the temperature control charcoal baked plays an important role in maintaining the stability of tea qua ity and im- proving the use of energy efficiently. Chosing Wuyi rock tea as the material, and baking for 6 hours at the tempera- tures of 130℃, 120℃ and ll0℃. Then Analyzing the effect on qualities and the main biochemical components of Wuyi Rock tea at different carbon baking temperatures. The result shows that: Baked with the temperatu re of 130℃ for 6 hours get the highest score by sensory evaluation ; and the content of the amino acids, tea polyphenpls and caf- feine is decreased when baking temperature is enhanced, and the difference in water extract content is unsignifi- cant. The RGB ( Red, Green, Blue) value of liquor color, CK maximum, A3minimum.