运用 T-scanⅢ咬合分析仪记录30例牙隐裂患者与30例个别正常牙合者的咬合接触特征,比较两组牙合力中心、牙合力百分比值、闭合时间、牙合分离时间,牙合干扰和早接触的出现率。结果显示隐裂组牙合力中心横向偏移量、患侧牙合力百分比值、闭合时间、前伸牙合分离时间、左右侧方牙合分离时间大于对照组,前伸牙合干扰和侧方牙合干扰出现率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义。实验组牙合力中心纵向偏移量、早接触出现率与对照组差异无统计学意义。
The characteristics of occlusal contact of 30 cracked tooth and 30 normal occlusion were recorded with T-ScanⅢ system,then the center of occlusal force,the bite force percentage,the occlusion time,the disclusion time, the occurrence rate of occlusal interference and premature contact were compared between the two groups. The offset in transversal of center of occlusal force,the bite force percentage of affected side,the occlusion time,the protrusive time, the lateral disclusion time in the experimental group were longer than those in the control group. The occur-rence rate of protrusive occlusal interference and lateral occlusal interference in patients was higher than normal oc-clusion,there were significant differences between them. Offset in vertical of center of occlusal force and the occur-rence rate of premature contact showed no significant differences between the experimental and control group.