Acupuncture and moxibustion of Qilu School is the core thought of Qilu doctors. Therefore,the researches about the representative figures’ life,writings and academic thought of acupuncture and moxibustion and far- reaching influence not only have considerable significance of Qilu School’s acupuncture and moxibustion but also have benefits for promoting the acupuncture and moxibustion development. YANG Jizhou in the Ming Dynasty was a famous acupuncturist and wrote Zhenjiu Dacheng. His ancestral home was Quxian in Zhejiang( Liuduyang Village in Quxian Nanxiang). The medicine trails were throughout Wenshang in Shandong,Jianning in Fujian,Yangzhou in Jiangsu,Cizhou in Hebei( Cixian County),Tangyin in Henan,Pingyang in Shanxi( Linfen County),etc[1]. In Shandong area,it has great influence.