The Internet political security, different from general Internet security or political security, is a new form ofpolitical security. In the Internet society, the Internet permeates political process fully and politics utlizes the Internetextensively, and does make them interact positively so that both can promote the operation of country’s political systemwell, protect it from the threats, subversions and sabotages result from Internet application, and keep a valid, legal andstable condition. For Internet political security, Internet political condition is the foundation, information security is themanifestation, and political security is the core. Compared with the political security in pre-Internet age, Internetpolitical security’s particularities are mainly exhibited in the following aspects: it is a kind of political security forms,which is presented in the special times environment of Internet society, a kind of political security which is formed andbased on the organic interaction between virtual and real politics; and it is an informational and digital political securityform.