An acceptable amount of pressure relief was found that, at the same time, minimized the disadvantageous effects caused by weakening the surrounding rock. A model for deforma- tion under compressive stress was developed based on strain softening criteria. An analysis of the pressure relief mechanism showed that "critical-plastic-area radius" could be taken as the criteria for the degree of pressure relief. This radius was found to be 7.78 meters in a roadway conforming to typical practice when controlling pressure in soft-rock. The critical-plastic-area radius was used in the design of supports where pressure relief control was needed. Practice shows that the deformation energy in the surrounding rock is released and the compressive stress in the support is therefore reduced. This decreases the effects of weakening in the sur- rounding rock. Support from secondary bolting is thus improved by reasonable degrees from pressure relief. This guarantees the strength of the supports and assures roadway stability for a long time.