以新鲜蓝莓果为原材料,通过冷冻干燥制得蓝莓粉,用超声微波联用技术提取多酚。选取了料液比、微波时间、微波功率、超声功率和超声时间5个单因素实验,将实验结果通过SPSSl9.0软件处理数据后,确定料液比为1:25(g/mL),微波时间为45s,并将超声时间、超声功率及微波功率三个条件做3因素3水平响应面优化试验,以多酚提取含量为考察指标,利用Design Expert8.0.1进行数据处理,通过回归方程和响应曲面并结合实际操作获得最优条件。结果表明:超声时间和功率对多酚的提取率影响显著,而微波功率影响不明显。通过优化在料液比1:25(g/mL)、超声时问75min、超声功率750W、微波时间45s,微波功率340W条件下,多酚的提取率达到14.56±0.2mg/g。表明利用超声微波联用技术可大大提高蓝莓中多酚的提取率。
In this paper, fresh blueberries were frozen dried into blueberries powders. Blueberries polyphenols were ex- tracted by ultrasonic- microwave technology. The five factors of material -to -liquid ratio, microwave power, micro- wave time, ultrasonic time, and ultrasonic power on the extracting processing were studied, and the results were analyzed by software SPSS 19. 0. The results showed that the best conditions were: material- to -liquid ratio 1 : 25g/mL and mi- crowave time 45s. The ultrasonic time, microwave power and ultrasonic power in extraction process were optimized in the response surface methodology (Design Expert 8.0. lsoftware). The results showed that there was significant effect of ul- trasonic time and power on the yield of poiyphenols, while the microwave power was no significant effect. The optimized extraction conditions were: 50% ethanol, ultrasonic time 75min, microwave power 340W, ultrasonic power 750W, ma- terial- to - liquid ratio 1 : 25g/mL, microwave time 45s. Under the above conditions, the polyphenols yield was 14. 560.2mg/g. This result showed that ultrasonic - microwave technology greatly improved the yield of polyphenols.