黄芪多糖(Astragalus polysaccharide,APS)是黄芪主要的活性成分,现代研究表明黄芪多糖有免疫调节、抗衰老、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、降血糖等多种药理作用,这使得黄芪多糖成为业界研究的热点。随着研究的深入,多种黄芪多糖化合物的化学结构及其药理作用被发现。现对黄芪多糖的化学结构和药理作用进行全面的归纳和总结,以期为黄芪多糖的开发及临床应用提供依据。
Astragalus polysaccharides(APS)is one of the main active ingredient of Astragli radix.Modern phytochemistry and pharmacological experiments have proved that polysaccharide is one of the major active ingredients in Astragli radix with various important bioactivities,such as immunomodulation,antioxidant,antitumor,anti-diabetes,antiviral,hepatoprotection,anti-inflammation,anti-atherosclerosis,hematopoiesis and neuroprotection.Therefore,the structural features and biological activities of Astragalus polysaccharides become a hot topic in the field of pharmacy.The aim of the present review is to summarize previous and current references and give a comprehensive summary regarding the structural features and biological activities of Astragli radix polysaccharides in order to provide new insight for further development of these macromolecules.