就Ad hoc网络环境下基于消息认证码的源认证技术进行了研究和分析,针对TESLA源认证方案给出了一个新的源认证引导方案,井采用间接引导方式来适应Ad hoc网络。实验数据表明,新的引导方案可以在较大程度上减轻系统的负担,从而提高认证的效率。
This paper aims to improve TESLA so that our selected authentication scheme is well suited for a mobile Ad hoc network. A main improvement is that new architecture for bootstrapping is adopted to improve the efficiency of bootstrapping and reduce burden for sender. Experimental results show that by amortizing overhead of bootstrap over bootstrapping tree, the new scheme modifies the way of bootstrap in Tesla and improves the efficiency of source authentication on great degree.