The Regulatory Focus Theory (Higgins, 1997) distinguishes between two sources of regulatory focus, chronic individual difference and situation-induced status. However, research tool reviews are inadequate owing to the scattered research topics. This review analyzes five different scales for chronic regulatory focus measurement and discusses their quality based on the latest literature. It introduces each measurement in terms of its main origin, item description, and how to conduct. The 11-item Regulatory Focus Questionnaire (RFQ, Higgins, Friedman, Harlow, Idson, Ayduk, Taylor, 2001) is a most frequently employed scale with 6 reflective items assessing chronic promotion focus and 5 reflective items assessing chronic prevention focus; the Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Approach System (BIS/BAS Scales, Carever, White, 1994) is a 12-item scale, including 7 BIS items and 5 BAS items; the Selves Questionnaire (Higgins, Bond, Klein, Strauman, 1986; Shah, Higgins, Friedman, 1998; Brockner, Paruchuri, Idson, Higgins, 2002) assesses the degrees of congruency between people’s actual ideal, and ought selves. The researcher asks individuals to provide six different ideal or ought attributes and assesses the difference between their likeness to possess the attribute and the degree to which they currently possess that attribute;the Self-guide Strength Measure (Higgins, Shah, Friedman, 1997; Shah, Higgins, Friedman, 1998; Shah Higgins, 1997; Foster, Higgins, Strack, 2000) is a computer-based version of the Selves Questionnaire employing latencies of responses; the General Regulatory Focus Measures (GRFM, Lockwood, Jordan, Kunda, 2002; Study 3) is an 18-item scale with nine reflective items each for promotion and prevention focus. This review also introduces two assessment researches. Haws et al. (in press) assessed the above-mentioned five scales according to the criteria of theoretical coverage, internal consistency, homogeneity, stability, and predictive ability. Haws et al. found a lack