[Aims] The paper aims to explicit the sensitivity ofBotrytis cinerea on tomato to fungicides and make sure if there is cross-resistance between fungicides. [Methods] The sensitivity of B. cinerea to fungicides were tested by measuring mycelial growth rate. [Results] The resistant isolates of B. cinerea in Liaoning were detected to procymidonc and the resistant frequenc~ of isolates in Anshan and Fushun reached to 100% and 40% in Panjin. The resistant frequence of isolates to pyrimethanil reached to 100%. The isolates were sensitive to fludoixonil and boscalid. There is not cross-resistance between fungicides. [Conclusions] Pyrimcthanil should be suspended application on tomato. Monitering resistance of B. cinerea to pmcymidone should be strongthencd. The isolates of B. cinerea were sensitive to fludoixonil and boscalid. The alternate use of procymidone, boscalid and fludoixonil should bc applied to postpone and manage the resistant isolates.