为解决蓝莓饮料在加工贮藏过程中的营养和色泽损失,研究了添加不同质量浓度的护色剂(茶多酚、抗坏血酸和L-赖氨酸)、灭菌条件及光照对蓝莓饮料中花色苷、透光率及色泽的影响。结果表明:蓝莓果汁饮料添加0.1%的抗坏血酸,110℃、15 s下杀菌,贮藏在避光处,可有效延缓花色苷降解、透光率增加和色泽的变化。
To solve the problem of nutrition and color loss of blueberry beverage during processing and storage,the effects of different color fixative and concentrations,including polyphenols,ascorbic acid and L-lysine,as well as the sterilization conditions and light on anthocyanins,transmittance and color of blueberry juice were investigated.The results showed that adding 0. 1% ascorbic acid,sterilized for 110 ℃,15s and stored in dark can effectively delay the degradation of anthocyanins,increased transmittance and the color change.