采用表面光散射法,对R161/R134a混合物的液相黏度和表面张力进行了实验研究,温度范围为293-368 K。将混合物的黏度和表面张力关联成组分和温度的函数,黏度实验值与拟合方程最大偏差为1.67%,平均绝对偏差为0.90%,表面张力实验值与拟合方程最大偏差为0.25 mN·m^-1,平均绝对偏差为0.08 mN·m^-1。本文工作为R161/R134a混合制冷剂的研究提供可靠的热物性数据。
Experiments on the liquid viscosity and the surface tension of binary mixture R161 and R134a had been conducted using surface light scattering method under saturated condition at a temperature range from 293 K to 368 K.The liquid viscosity and surface tension results were correlated by a function of pure component and temperature.The maximum deviation of viscosities between experimental values and correlation is 1.67%,and the average absolute deviation is 0.90%.The maximum and average deviations are 0.25 mN·m^-1 and 0.08 mN·m^-1,respectively.The experimental results in this work provided reliable data for the research application of binary refrigerant R161 and R134a.