Viral hepatitis C infection is one of the main causes of the hepatitis after blood transfusion. NSSA protein of small molecule inhibitors shows strong activity in inhibiting the growth of the vitro vi- rus, and the preliminary clinical evaluation also confirmed that NSSA inhibitors can inhibit the growth of hepatitis c virus in the body. Therefore, the research and development of efficient NSSA small mol- ecule inhibitors provides a new strategy for the treatment of hepatitis C. In this study, we investigated the daclatasvir hepatitis C virus NS5A inhibitor complex 3D-QSAR, and searched out the lowest ener- gy conformations of compounds through SYBLE-X 2.1.1 molecular modeling software system search method, and then Triops force field conjugate gradient minimization optimization. Comparative Molec- ular Field Analysis (CoMFA) and Comparative Molecular Similarity Indices Analysis (CoMSIA) were used to have molecular active conformation selection, molecular alignment, as well as the establish- ment of spatial statistics field range. In this experiment, taking 22 derivatives as the training set to build the model, the merits of the model was validated with 6 derivatives as a test set. Results show that Cross CoMFA model' s mutual authentication factor q2 = 0. 578, and the regression coefficient r2 = 0. 939, while CoMSIA model q2 = 0. 584, theoretical basis for drug design and screening and the r2 = 0. 968. These conclusions laid a reliable of hepatitis C virus NS5A complex inhibitors.