试验分析了台系杜洛克和法系皮特兰母猪1 489窝次的繁殖性能,结果表明:皮特兰母猪的分娩胎次、配种情期、妊娠天数、健仔数、死胎数、产活仔数、总产仔数、21日龄断奶母仔数、21日龄断奶总仔猪数、21日龄断奶窝重分别比杜洛克母猪提高14.02%(P〈0.01)、7.14%(P〈0.01)、0.26%(P〈0.01)、3.61%(P〈0.01)、42%(P〈0.01)、3.61%(P〈0.01)、5.36%(P〈0.01)、4.95%(P〈0.01)、3.77%(P〈0.01)、3.03%(P〈0.01)。死仔数,皮特兰比杜洛克提高35.09%(P〈0.05)。春季,皮特兰母猪的配种情期和总产仔数分别比杜洛克提高19.47%(P〈0.01)、4.55%(P〈0.05)。夏季,分娩胎次和总产仔数皮特兰分别比杜洛克提高24.61%(P〈0.01)、4.98%(P〈0.05)。秋季,皮特兰的健仔数、产活仔数、总产仔数、初生窝重、21日龄断奶总仔猪数、21日龄断奶窝重分别比杜洛克提高6.61%(P〈0.01)、6.61%(P〈0.01)、7.89%(P〈0.01)、7.04%(P〈0.01)、4.49%(P〈0.05)、4.51%(P〈0.05)。冬季,皮特兰母猪的分娩胎次、妊娠天数、总产仔数、21日龄断奶总仔猪数、21日龄断奶窝重和哺乳成活率分别比杜洛克母猪提高24.80%(P〈0.01)、0.49%(P〈0.01)、5.14%(P〈0.05)、5.95%(P〈0.05)、4.70%(P〈0.05)、1.76%(P〈0.05)。
1 489 litters reproductive performance of Duroc and Pietrain sows were analyzed. The result showed that delivered birth, mating, pregnancy length, number of health litter, dead fetus, the litter size, total number born, female number of weaning at 21 days, number of weaning at 21 days, litter weight at 21 days of Pietrain sows were increased by 14.02% (P〈0.01), 7.14% (P〈0.01), 0.26% (P〈0.01), 3.61% (P〈0.01), 42% (P〈0.01), 3.61% (P〈0.01), 5.36% (P〈0.01), 4.95% (P〈0.01), 3.77% (P〈0.01)and 3.03% (P〈0.01) compared with Duroc sows respectively. The number of born dead of Pietrain sows was increased by 35.09% (P〈0.05)compared with Duroc sows. In spring, the mating and total number born of pietrain sows were increased by 19.47% (P〈0.01)and 4.55% (P〈0.05)compared with Duroc sows respectively. In summer, delivered birth and total number born of pietrain sows were increased by 24.61% (P〈0.01)and 4.98% (P〈0.05)compared with Duroc sows respectively. In autumn, number of health litter, the litter size, total number born, litter weight of birth, number of weaning at 21 days, litter weight at 21 days of Pietrain sows were increased by 6.61% (P〈0.01), 6.61% (P〈0.01), 7.89% (P〈 0.01), 7.04% (P〈0.01), 4.49% (P〈0.05)and 4.51% (P〈0.05)compared with Duroc sows respectively. In winter, delivered birth, pregnancy length, total number born, number of weaning at 21 days, litter weight at 21 days and the survival rate of suckling of Pietrain sows were increased by 24.80% (P〈0,01), 0.49% (P〈0.01), 5.14% (.P〈 0.05), 5.95% (P〈0.05), 4.70% (P〈0.05) and 1.76% (P〈0.05) compared with Duroc sows respectively.