The foaming effect of porous media with different length and pore structure was studied using the bubble size meas-urement and foam porous medium constant speed mercury injection, through which the minimum characterization of bubble size and the amount of"disturbance unit" needed for stable bubble generation were determined. The results show that when the numbers of bubbles in a single image are more than 120, the variation coefficient of bubble particle size will stabilize, and the influence of bubble particle size can be eliminated. Using perturbation and disturbance units can be more accurate e-valuation from the mechanism of bubble foam foaming capacity of porous media. It is found that when disturbance unit quanti-ty reaches to 100±20, and the bubble variation coefficient is less than 0. 5, the bubble size homogeneous degree is better. Also the average particle size is 1. 23-1. 51 times larger than the bubble mainstream throat diameter, which is less than the average pore diameter. Therefore, the foam can have good blocking capability once it can be generated in the same porous medium.