应用型本科院校毕业生存在就业率及就业质量不容乐观、 就业竞争力一般的现状. 以高分子材料与工程专 业为例阐述了应用型院校职业能力的范畴, 分析了我国应用型本科院校在大学生职业能力培养方面存在的问题 和不足. 同时从教学体系、实践方式、 写作能力、 职业道德和适应能力等四个方面进行思考与实践, 探讨了提升应 用型本科院校学生职业能力的创新模式, 以应对社会和经济的发展要求.
At present, the problems with graduation at application-oriented colleges and universities are as follows: employment rates and qualities are not optimistic, and graduates are less competitive. Taking the specialty of composite materials and engineering as an example, this paper expounds the categories of professional ability at application-oriented colleges. It training college students’ professional abilities. To meet demands of social and economic development, innovative modes for improving college students’ professional abilities at application-oriented colleges are discussed in four aspects, teaching system, practice writing abilities, professional ethics, and adaptability.