With the deepening of housing reform, housing mobility in urban China is on the rise. Extant studies on relocation and relocation intention pay much attention on rural to urban relocation. Yet little is known about intra-urban relocation in Chinese cities. This study attempts to fill this void by presenting a line of empirical ev- idence in three different types of residential neighborhoods in Guangzhou, namely traditional inner city neigh- borhood, urban villages and commodity housing estates. Based on a questionnaire survey in three types of neighborhoods representative of the dominant residential patterns in contemporary Chinese cities, this paper examines the determinants of residential satisfaction and relocation intention of local residents in major urban neighborhoods. Specifically, we first run a linear regression analysis to examine the determinants for residen- tial satisfaction after relocation; we then run a multivariate logistic regression to understand the determinants for residents' relocation intention. Empirical results show that residential satisfaction in the three types of resi- dential neighborhoods are influenced by different factors, but generally shaped by community attachment , housing property and housing facilities; meanwhile, residential satisfaction is negatively associated with resi- dential time. While relocation intention is generated by a combined effect of various factors, and varies in dif- ferent residential neighborhoods. In traditional inner city neighborhoods, residents' relocation intention has something to do with the family income and the residential satisfaction. In the meantime male respondents are more likely to develop relocation intention than female, and residents who have got higher education tend to re- location. The situation is slightly different in urban villages, where residents with weak sense of community prefer to relocate. In addition, the result indicates that household head' s age and marital status significantly af- fect relocation intention in co