为了评估旅游资源开发获得的经济效益,以济南市千佛山风景名胜区为研究对象,采用分区旅行费用法研究旅游资源开发获得的游憩价值。研究表明:2009年千佛山风景名胜区的游客主要是来自山东省的15个地、市,交通、住宿、饮食、门票以及购买各项旅游消费品费用支出约8 341.9万元。以2007年山东省人口统计数为基础建立的旅游率和旅行费用的回归模型评估得到2007年千佛山风景名胜区的游憩价值为1.44亿元,远大于其现实经济价值。该研究结果不但丰富了中国资源环境价值评估的理论研究和应用实践,而且也对政府部门的决策以及千佛山风景名胜区的旅游资源管理与开发提供参考。
To evaluate economic value of tourism resources,the recreation value of Qianfoshan scenic spot in Jinan was investigated using zonal travel cost method(ZTCM).The study revealed that the tourists of Qianfoshan scenic spot in 2009 came from 15 cities in Shandong province and the expenditure including traffic,lodging,drinking and purchasing souvenirs was approximately 83,419,000 Yuan.According to the regress model between the tourism rate based on population of Shandong province in 2007 and the travel cost,the recreational value of Qianfoshan scenic spot in 2007 was approximately 0.144 billion Yuan which is much higher than realistic economic value.The study results not only enrich the theoretical study and the application of practical environment evaluation,but also provide a useful reference for the decision makers in government department and the development of tourism resources in Qianfoshan scenic spot.