Even one the same pathological type of various kinds of refractory nephrotic syndrome has great dif-ferent pathogenesis. It is more reported in recent years that new nephrotic medications ( such as Ofatumumab and Eculi- zumab) or novel utilized old medications (such as CoQ10 ,galactose and retinoic acid) used in other diseases were re- searched and developed based on the mechanisms of nephrotic syndrome ,or new mechanisms were contrarily discovered when new medications used in other diseases were effectively used in refractory nephrotic syndrome. Here, the novel medications which were successfully used in clinic patients with refractory nephrotic syndrome, or laboratory proteinuric animal models, or the old medications with new and effective actions were introduced. Their mechanisms of drug actions were also briefly described. It is hoped that these information has practical value for the medication selection by clinical nephrologist and for the collision of research idea inspiration by investigators in nephropathy research area.