目的:分析基本药物实施前后乡镇卫生院效率变化情况。方法:利用分层随机抽样和现场调查法,收集2006年到2012年山东某市8县(市)30家乡镇卫生院的运行数据;使用Excel 2010建立数据库,利用Deap 2.1实施效率分析,并利用Stata11进行秩和检验。结果:30家乡镇卫生院开放床位总数、年检验总次数、年总收入和年总支出呈逐年上升趋势。但从2009年开始,增长速度明显放缓,年增长率呈逐年下降趋势。从增长率来看,年总支出和年总收入的增长率明显高于年开放床位数和年放射检查总次数增长率。从乡镇卫生院综合效率得分来看,2006年到2012年综合效率标准差呈逐年下降趋势,DEA有效的乡镇卫生院数量逐年减少。30家乡镇卫生院2010、2011年分别与2012年综合效率得分进行秩和检验,结果显示差异有统计学意义。即2012年综合效率得分较2010年和2011年有所下降。结论:乡镇卫生院实施基本药物制度以后,DEA有效的乡镇卫生院个数呈下降趋势,标准差呈减小趋势,说明在基本药物制度实施以后,乡镇卫生院服务能力和服务效率有趋同现象。
Objective:To analyze the changes of efficiency of township hospitals before and after the complementation of the National Essential Medicine System.Methods:Excel2010 was used to establish database, Deap2.1 was applied to perform efficiency analysis, Stata11 was used to perform rank-sum test.Results:There was an increasing trend in the number of annual open beds,tests,total revenue and expenditure by years in 30 township hospitals. The growth slew down obviously since 2009 and the average annual growth decreased by years. According to the growth,the growth of yearly expenditure and revenue were obviously higher than the growth of yearly open beds and yearly radiographic inspection. According to the scores for comprehensive efficiency in township hospitals,the differences of comprehensive efficiency standard decreased by years from 2006 to 2012,the quantity of township hospitals with effective DEA decreased. The differences between the year of 2012 and 2010 and 2011 were compared respectively b Based on the rank-sum test. The result showed that the differences had statistical significance. The comprehensive efficiency score in 2012 was lower than these scores of 2010 and 2011.Conclusion:Since the implementation of essential medicine system in township hospitals, the quantity of township hospitals with effective DEA showed decreasing trend, the standard difference was in decreasing trend,which showed that the service capacity and service efficiency in township hospitals had convergency.