针对计算机辅助设计中需要大量数据存入数据库并从数据库中读出的问题,提出了在支持复用的外观设计系统中数据库的设计方法和连接方法,并且以VC++.NET 2003为开发平台,结合SQL Server 2000数据库,成功地实现了大量不同类型数据地存取,特别是对BLOB的存取方法进行了详细地论述。
Aiming at the question of accessing a great deal of data from database in CAD, the method of design and connection of the database was introduced in a configuration design system, which supports reuse. The accessing problem in a large number of different kinds of data was finished with the combination of SQL Server 2000 database by VC + + . NET 2003. The accessing method of BLOB(Binary Large Object) was particularly expatiated.