无线传感器网络拓扑控制算法的首要任务是减少节点的能量消耗,从而延长整个网络的生存时间。而传感器节点大部分的能量消耗在无线通信模块。在分析了拓扑控制算法所基于的两种模型(UDG,MG)以及两种不同性质的网络(homogenous net,heterogeneous net)的基础上,考虑到在通常情况下,无线通信的能量消耗与通信距离的3次方成正比。基于此,针对能否设计一种选择辱F居的标准,使邻居间的链接都是最小能耗链接这一问题,给出了一种构造最小能耗路的邻近图算法MEP(MG)。证明了算法具有连通性和1-spanner特性。
The primary goal of a topology control scheme in wireless sensor networks is to reduce node power consumption in order to extend network lifetime. Most of the energy consumption of a sensor node comes from communication module. A brief overview of two networks models (UDG,MG) and according two kinds of networks(homogenous net and heterogeneous net)on which topology control algorithms based are analyzed,and the common condition that the energy consumption of wireless communication is proportion to the cube of the communication distance is also taken into account. Then aiming at the problem whether we can build a structure that links among neighbors are minimum energy paths, we present a topology control method MEP(MG). The connectivity and the property of 1 - spanner are proved.