Since traditional displacement sensors were sensitive to temperature and electromagnetic noise,and tended to cause size,cost,and complexity increment,a kind of practical radial displacement self-test method was put forward in this paper.This method is based on mutual inductance between torque winding and radial force winding,which is a nonlinear function of radial displacement.Detailed steps were as follows: firstly,injected high frequency testing current into the torque-winding;secondly,filtered the mutual inductance voltage on radial force winding caused by this test current;thirdly,demodulated the measured signal and then processed with a low-pass filter to separate the direct current portion;and lastly,rotor’s radial displacement could be detected after simple mathematical treatment.With this method,no special radial displacement sensor is required anymore,and the reliability of whole system can also be improved.Simulation and dSPACE platform experimental results confirmed this simple and convenient method.