为了实现PDE(partial differential equation)曲面造型技术与传统CAD(computer aided design)造型系统的数据交换,基于约束优化的思想,给出了PDE曲面的Bézier逼近算法,并利用张量积Bézier曲面的细分性质对该算法进行了优化.所给出的计算实例及误差比较结果说明了该算法的有效性.
In order to exchange data between PDE (partial differential equation) modeling technique and the conventional CAD (computer aided design) systems, this paper presents a novel algorithm for approximating PDE surface by tensor product Bézier surface based on constrained optimization. The algorithm is also improved by the subdivision property of tensor product Bézier surface. The computational examples and the results of error analysis demonstrate the validity of the algorithm.