Enhanced-efficiency N fertilizers, including stabilized N fertilizers with inhibitors and coated N fertilizers, can increase N utilization efficiencies. We collected data on N2O emission of enhanced-efficiency N fertilizers from publications and analyzed their mitigation effects by meta-analysis. The average N2O emission from stabilized N fertilizers was 0.66 times of that from corresponding common N fertilizers. The average mitigation effects was 0.95, with no significant roles (p0.05). Using stabilized N fertilizers instead of common N fertilizers with the same N amount in China, combining with nitrogen fertilizer and crop data from Statistic Yearbook of China, we calculated the mitigation amount of stabilized N fertilizers from fields in China as 1.03×108 kg N in 2009 by Monte-Carlo simulation. Multiplying the current price of CO2, the income from N2O reduced emission with applying with stabilized N fertilizers was 16.86 million per year. For stabilized N fertilizers could promote N utilization efficiencies, the economic benefits were 94 million per year with N utilization efficiencies increased by 8 percent point in current level.