秸秆覆盖是影响地表产流的重要因子,又是防治水土流失最有效的措施之一。利用人工模拟降雨研究秸秆覆盖对坡耕地干湿态土壤产流过程的影响。试验地位于江西省余江县中国科学院红壤生态实验站,土壤类型为红砂岩发育的红壤,试验小区长12 m、宽3 m,坡度为9%;人工模拟降雨历时1 h,降雨强度为60 mm/h;试验设置5个秸秆覆盖度(0%,15%,30%,60%和90%)和2种土壤前期含水量(干态和湿态)。结果表明,覆盖度为0%时,干态土壤径流系数在降雨30 min后达到稳定,覆盖度为15%,30%,60%和90%时,径流系数随着降雨时间推移都呈现逐步增加的趋势,1 h模拟降雨时段内没有达到稳定,其中,后30 min径流系数是前30 min径流系数的3.3倍。湿态土壤径流系数在模拟降雨开始后10~15 min内达到稳定,1 h模拟降雨时段内后30 min径流系数比前30 min径流系数增加不明显。5种秸秆覆盖度湿态土壤平均径流系数为0.76,干态土壤平均径流系数为0.26,湿态土壤平均径流系数是干态土壤的2.9倍。干态土壤径流系数对秸秆覆盖度敏感,湿态土壤对秸秆覆盖度不敏感。从经济实用和保水效果来看,15%~30%的秸秆覆盖是该区水土保持最佳的选择。
Mulching soil surface with a layer of plant residue is an effective method of conserving water and soil. A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of antecedent moisture content (AMC) and straw mulch on runoff yield process using rainfall simulator. The rainfall simulator was used to create rainfall intensity of 60 mm/h for 1 h. The study site is located at the Ecological Experimental Research Station of Red Soil, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Yujiang county, Jiangxi province of China. The soil used in this study was red soil derived from red sandstone. The erosion plot is 12 m in length and 3 m in width with a slope of 9%. Antecedent moisture content levels (driest, wettest) and percentage of straw mulch (0%, 15%, 30%, 60% and 90%) were considered as two independent variables in this factorial design experiment. The results showed that the runoff coefficient became stable at 30 min after the simulated rainfall beginning for the driest soil with 0% mulch rate, and the runoff coefficient tend to increase slightly in the rainfall duration for the 15%, 30%, 60% and 90% mulch rate, and didn't become stable condition in 1 h. For the wettest soils, with the mulch rates of 0%, 15%, 30%, 60% and 90%, the runoff coefficient increase quickly and became stable in 10-15 rain after the simulated rainfall beginning, and the average runoff coefficient during the last 30 min was a little bigger than that of the first 30 min. The average runoff coefficient of the driest and wettest soil for all the mulch rate was 0.76 and 0.26 respectively. The results indicated that mulch rate of 15%-30% decreased the runoff yield rate obviously for the red soil and was the best choice for the soil and water conservation in the region.