城乡经济转型及农村人口快速城市化促使农户家庭耕地利用功能较传统利用方式发生转变,农户家庭耕地生存依赖度弱化促进土地流转市场发育。以湖北省重点开发区、农产品主产区和生态功能区的1 146户农户调查数据为实证,运用Biprobit模型分析不同主体功能区农户家庭耕地利用功能对土地流转行为的影响。研究表明:(1)调研区域41.10%的农户家庭参与土地流转,土地流入转出租金分别为2 751.12元/hm~2、4 391.33元/hm~2,土地流转发生率较高但租金水平整体偏低,且在区域间存在显著差异。重点开发区土地流转市场发育较好,流转参与率及租金水平较高;农产品主产区流转参与率较高,但租金水平较低;生态功能区土地流转参与率及租金水平较低,流转市场发育迟缓。(2)区域间功能定位、经济发展水平的差异导致农户家庭耕地利用功能空间差异明显。其中,生态功能区农户耕地资源利用的食物生产功能弱化明显,而重点开发区和农产品主产区则明显弱化耕地资源的养老就业功能。(3)整体而言,农户家庭耕地利用功能对土地流转行为影响显著。其中,家庭耕地利用在经济贡献、养老就业及食物生产等方面承担的功能越强,其家庭做出土地转出决策的可能性愈小;而选择土地流入的可能性也越大,而家庭耕地利用所表征的选择馈赠功能越强,其家庭越倾向于留存土地,且区域差异明显。重点开发区的相关系数及显著程度较高,作用方向与整体基本一致;生态功能区的相关系数及显著程度最低,且作用方向偏离整体幅度较大。表明经济发展程度越快的地区,土地流转发育受耕地利用功能的影响越明显。
In the process of urbanization a nd rural economic transformation, the cultivated land use function has changed for rural households. They d epend less on the cultivated land for subsistence,which facilitates the development of the land rental market. This paper analyzes the relationship between the cultivated land use functions a nd the land rental decisionsfunctional zones of Hubei, China. T h e results indicate that 41. 10O of therural households in thestudy areas participated in theland rental market,and a great difference exist in differentmain function zones. T h e land rental market in the K e y Development Zone has both a higher participation rate and land rent; the Agricultural Production Z o n e has a higher participation rate b u t a lower land rent;and the land rental market in the K e y Ecological Zone is underdeveloped. T h e differenceto a significant difference in the spatial variation of the cultivated land use multifunction. Specifically,the Function of Food Production has obviously weakened in the K e y Ecological Z o n e, while the Function of Pension and E m p l o y m e n t has w e a k e n e d in the K e y Development Zone and the Agricultural Production Z o n e. Overall, the cultivated land function of rural households has a significantimpact on their land transfer behavior. T h e higher the Functions of E c o n o m i c Contribution,Food Production, and Pension &Employment,the more willing the rural households are to rent in the land,while the higher the Function of Inheritance and Retainment of the cultivated land u s e, the m o r e likely the farmers are to retain their cultivated land resources. Furthermore,the correlation coefficient is significantly higher in the K e y Development Z o n e than in the K e y Ecological Zone.