By extending fiscal decentralization system and haze pollution into production density theoretical model, this paper huilde the theoretical model of interaction between government - guiding Industrialization and Haze Pollution. It tested the theory tieing the data of provincial panel data from 2001 to 2010, based on simultaneous equation model. "[he results show that: there exists a mutual cause - and - effect relationship between fiscal decentralization, industrial agglomeration and haze pollution. De- eontralization system provides a favorable institutional environment and preferential policies for industrial agglomeration. And haze pollution by affecting the production function as a stumbling block to industrial agglomeration. Industrialization help to enhance the local financial resources, leading that government - guiding industrialization have direct and indirect effects on the haze poilution. Industrial agglomeration and haze pollution has significant spatial spillover. Industrial agglomeration in economic neighboring provinces drive the local industrial agglomeration, but have a negative impact on air quality and financial freedom. The haze pollution in geopolitical neighboring provinces hindering the local air quality and industrial agglomeration. Additionally, as the main means of haze control, environmental regulation does not effect industrial output value, and has an inhibiting effect on the haze pollution.