The concentration tests on low intensity magnetite rougher concentrate of inverse flotation for the concentrator of Jianshan iron mine of Taisteel are carried out by adopting q550 mm cyclones with the column height of 80 rain and bottom cone angle of 90°. Under conditions of the overflow pipet immersion depth of 50 mm and diameter of 15 mm, the spigot diameter of 8 ram, feeding pressure of 0. 04 MPa and feeding concentration of 23% , final iron concentrate with yield of 36. 03% , iron grade of 69.03% , SiO2 content of 3.89% and the operating iron recovery of 38.94% was obtained. It is confirmed that the cyclones can separate parts of qualified iron concentrate in advance and reduce the amount of feed in inverse flotation so as to lower the separation cost and reduce the environment pollution.