The jet principle was introduced into a water-only cyclone, and the influence ofjetter nozzle diameter on the aeration and separation performance of the water-only cyclone for fine coal separation. Test results showed: at the nozzle diameter ranging from 4 to 6 mm and the cyclone cylinder diameter being within 75 ram, the ratio of gas to liquid with wide adjustment range was obtained; at the ratio of gas to liquid in cyclone cylinder being about 25%, overflow ash content of each size fraction decreased gradually with the increase in nozzle diameter, and the overflow recovery and underflow ash content were maximum at the nozzle diameter being 5 rain; the separation efficiency of+0.125mm size fraction was maximum at the nozzle diameter being 5 mm. According to above results, the optimal jetter nozzle diameter suitable for the cyclone with diameter of 75 mm was determined as 5 mm.