The time evolution of the are-discharge image in the vacuum circuit breaker(VCB)was characterized with the complementary metal oxide semiconductor camera of the lab-built measurement setup. The digitized images were pro- cessed and analyzed. The results show that the arc discharge image goes through three distinctive stages: i)The initial stage,where the arc in the aggregation state, and its images resemble the bridge-column arc, diffusion-column arc, and contracting-cohunn arc; moreover, the bright arc often ablates seriously the contacts;ii) The intermediate stage, where the increasing pressure inside the arc column turns the aggregation state into the diffusion state, including subsonic and super- sonic diffusions, accompanied with fading arc intensity and reducing contact ablation;iii) The quenching stage, where the decreasing current and increasing gap length quench the arc eventually. The time evolution of the arc intensity in the dif- fusion stage was simulated with the magneto-hydrodynamic model. The simulated results were found to agree reasonably well with the digitized arc images.