A dopting com plete decom position analysis m ethod, taking Xuzhou M etropolitan A rea as the research unit,the spatial and tem poral characteristics of carbon em issions and its driving effect are analyzed from 2000 to 2014. Itcan be found that there is positive correlation betw een carbon em issions and industrial grow th, and industrial carbonintensity tends to decrease, presenting a cleft pattern th at high in north-south and low in the middle. In the carbonin tensity , resource and labor intensive industries are the highest, presenting a dow nw ard tren d , but tech-intensiveindustry is the low est. M eanw hile, scale effect for industrial carbon em issions show s the positive driving effect, butstructure effect and technical effect present an inhibitory effect. In the space, scale effect presents a convex patternfrom a center-peripheral pattern w ith Jining as the core to high in the middle and low in the sides, structure effectkeeps a center-peripheral p attern, at the sam e tim e, technology effect evolves from the pattern w ith high in thenorth and low in the south into high in the east and low in the west. Finally, some suggestions are given. T he keypath to achieve a low-carbon industrial developm ent is to optim ize industrial space layout, accelerate green transformation of industrial stru cture, and vigorously prom ote the use of low-carbon technology.