制作了空调散热器用铝箔气味检测系统。该系统由PC机、调理控制电路、电源和装有传感器阵列的测试腔构成。数据处理方法采用了sum of deltV和神经网络相结合的方法,在Matlab环境中训练、仿真后,移植到LabVIEW平台上实现。实测表明在相对稳定的环境下该系统具备可重复性;系统的最终判定结果与气味工程师的判定结果一致。
This paper reports an odor detection system for air-condition radiator Al plates. The system is composed of PC, conditioning and controlling circuit, power supply and testing chamber installed sensors array. Sum of deltV and neural network are applied to process sensor response data. The program is realized on LabVIEW platform after training and simulating in Matlab environment. The system has good repeatability under relative stable environment. The judgement results of the system are consistent with odor engineer judgement results.