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Impacts of Climate Change on Water and Agricultural Production in Ten Large River Basins in China
  • ISSN号:2095-3119
  • 期刊名称:Journal of Integrative Agriculture
  • 时间:2013
  • 页码:1267-1278
  • 分类:TV213.4[水利工程—水文学及水资源] P467[天文地球—大气科学及气象学]
  • 作者机构:[1]Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 相关基金:the financial support of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2012CB955700,2010CB428406); the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (70925001, 71161140351); the International Development Research Center (107093-001); the Australian Center for International Agriculture (ADP/2010/070); World Bank, and the CAS Strategic Priority Research Program(XDA01020304)
  • 相关项目:水资源管理、制度与政策

The overall goal of this paper is to examine impacts of climate change on water supply and demand balance and their consequences on agricultural production in ten river basins in China. To realize this goal, China Water Simulation Model (CWSM) is used to analyze three alternative climate scenarios (A1B, A2 and B2). The results show that the impacts of climate change on water supply and demand balance differ largely among alternative scenarios. While significant impacts of climate change on water balance will occur under the A1B scenario, the impacts of climate change under the A2 and B2 scenarios will be marginal. Under the A1B scenario, the water shortage in the river basins located in the northern China will become more serious, particularly in Liaohe and Haihe river basins, but the other river basins in the southern China will improve their water balance situations. Despite larger impacts of climate change on water balance in the northern China, its impacts on total crops’ production will be moderate if farmers would be able to reallocate water among crops and adjust irrigated and rainfed land. The paper concludes with some policy implications.


The overall goal of this paper is to examine impacts of climate change on water supply and demand balance and their consequences on agricultural production in ten river basins in China. To realize this goal, China Water Simulation Model (CWSM) is used to analyze three alternative climate scenarios (A1B, A2 and B2). The results show that the impacts of climate change on water supply and demand balance differ largely among alternative scenarios. While significant impacts of climate change on water balance will occur under the A1B scenario, the impacts of climate change under the A2 and B2 scenarios will be marginal. Under the A1B scenario, the water shortage in the river basins located in the northern China will become more serious, particularly in Liaohe and Haihe river basins, but the other river basins in the southern China will improve their water balance situations. Despite larger impacts of climate change on water balance in the northern China, its impacts on total crops' production will be moderate if farmers would be able to reallocate water among crops and adjust irrigated and rainfed land. The paper concludes with some policy implications.

期刊论文 55 会议论文 7 著作 1
  • 《农业科学学报:英文版》
  • 主管单位:中国农业科学院
  • 主办单位:中国农业科学院
  • 主编:
  • 地址:北京中关村南大街12号
  • 邮编:100081
  • 邮箱:zgnykx@caas.cn
  • 电话:010-82106280 82106281
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:2095-3119
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:10-1039/S
  • 邮发代号:2-851
  • 获奖情况:
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 俄罗斯文摘杂志,美国化学文摘(网络版),英国农业与生物科学研究中心文摘,荷兰文摘与引文数据库,美国科学引文索引(扩展库),美国生物科学数据库,英国动物学记录,英国食品科技文摘
  • 被引量:69