The exergoeconomic performance of an endoreversible intercooled regenerative (ICR) Brayton combined heat and power (CHP) driven by residual energy and heat of blast furnace coupled to variable temperature heat reservoirs is investigated using finite time thermodynamics. The analytical formulae about dimensionless profit rate and exergy efficiency are deduced. By taking the maximum profit rate as the objective, the heat conductance distribution, the choice of intercooling pressure ratio are optimized by detailed numerical examples and the maximum dimensionless profit rate is obtained. At the same time, the characteristic of maximum dimensionless profit rate and corresponding exergy efficiency are investigated. When the optimization is performed further with respect to the total pressure ratio of the compressor, the double-maximum profit rate is obtained, also the effects of the design parameters on the optimal performance of the cogeneration plant are analyzed. At last, the optimization is performed additionally with respect tO the thermal capacitance rate matching between the working fluid and the heat reservoir and a thricemaximum profit rate is obtained.