In order to obtain high-strength plasma and improve the application efficiency of discharge, we experimentally researched the negative needle-plate corona discharge in the atmosphere, in which the relative luminous intensity of dis- charges was studied by glowing photos images and emission spectra. According to the results, the relative luminous intensity changes with the distance from needlepoint, and this change could be divided into three stages: firstly a slow re- duction, then a rapid reduction, and finally a slow reduction again. When the sampling points of corona emitted light, their relative luminous intensity increased linearly with the discharge voltage. The glowing area of corona was mainly com- posed of the emission spectra of N2's second positive band system N2(c3П-B3Пg). The relative intensity of characteristic spectral peak at 337.1 nm linearly increased with discharge voltage, which is consistent with the results of glow data, and the relative spectral intensity increased slower gradually with the increase of discharge power. With the in- crease of discharge voltage, electron velocity increases, and hence the time length of strike between electrons and gas particles decreases, which reduce the population number of particles excited to high-energy state. Consequently, the ratio of the relative spectral intensity and the discharge power has a peak at the applied voltage of 28 kV, which indicates the maximum efficiency of tuning the power output into light-emitting, then it decreases with increasing applied voltage.